Pete Friesen’s Jam Camp
Pete Friesen’s Jam Camp – Saturday 12th November – Milk Shed Studios, Warfield, nr Bracknell
Come and jam some serious rocking blues with Pete Friesen and our live band.
This is a great opportunity to get your electric guitar out and jam in our own custom built studio with one of rock guitar’s great players!
Pete has a CV that many players would give their Les Paul for: Alice Cooper, The Almighty and Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson to name but a few. Pete has travelled the world and played on the biggest stages, so he know’s a thing or two about playing live.
Pete’s Jam Camp focuses on a couple of classic artists, learning key songs and jamming them with live bass guitar, drums and vocals to accompany you. You get the chance to play alongside other guitarists, receiving guidance and advice from Pete on how to generate those killer tones.
November’s Jam Camp will be focussing on the skills and chops of two classic artists: David Gilmour and Steve Cropper. Plus there will be plenty of time to hone your lead playing. All the time under the expert eye of Pete Friesen.
What’s not to love?